Minimalism is an attitude that says I’m free!

Less Cleaning, More Living

We are decluttering experts focused on minimalism, toxic free living, simple house cleaning tasks that define who we are as moms, parents, partners. Let’s simplify, clean up the unnecessary excess and start feeling the freedom we deserve.

30 Days Of Minimalism

Get Inside The Challenge Now

Dive into an experience that will change your style of maintaining a healthier, cleaner home.

Despite the thirty days you have unlimited access to complete the challenges in your own time. Give yourself clarity, regain your sanity and learn how to manage life a little less stressful.

Seeking the beauty behind being a minimalist…

it’s more than a lifestyle, a movement or a declutter of one’s belongings

What is minimalism, really?

If you fear the word minimalism, I want you to know that it’s nothing short of a well designed and crafted life by none other than you! You’re in complete control of how you proceed with becoming a minimalist. It’s all about the nature, beauty and experiences you truly desire. What I can tell you is that you will discover an entirely new vibrant being that understands why she’s here on Earth as you embody the science behind the word ‘minimalism‘.

Ditch the tox, the negative energy and create a life you are excited to wake up for

Our approach is simple

We craft stress free routines that fulfill our everyday lifestyle habits through minimalism, decluttering, no tox house cleaning, simple organization and a wellness that feels so damn good!

We’re taking back our lives, our sanity and freedom becoming more in tune with nature, the beautiful Earth, and thriving to be the best we can be for not only ourselves, but each other.

Take the 30 day minimalism challenge

Why 30 days? Because that’s how long it takes to form a healthy habit. You’ll get day by day instructions on what to declutter, clean and mentally unload.

Free worksheets, checklists and discount codes to bonuses like the lazy moms guide to cleaning, decluttering and organizing.

A few of the programs we offer

Whether you’re looking to go real minimal or just a little, we’ve got your personal wellness and home styles in mind. From chemical free house cleaning to an entire detox program, your healthy living begins now.

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The 30 Day Minimalist Challenge

Go deep with our intense yet simple monthly challenge that sets you up for a minimalist lifestyle…

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Chemical Free House Cleaning

Learn how to ditch the toxic products and start your all natural cleaning journey. No MLM’s or greenwashing…

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Six Month Detox Program

180 days of mindset, energy and healing work with a declutter of your entire life with unlimited access that never expires

With over 20 years experience

Our Mission

Master minimalist Victoria DeCroce helps you transform your current lifestyle and home through simplified cleaning routines, decluttering and an interior so minimal, but with plenty of style!

Oh no my friend, you are not losing the things you love! You’re gaining a whole new perspective on life and your wellness + healing is just getting started.

Let’s Connect

Get in touch

We can’t wait to help you get your home looking exactly as you want along with guiding you on your path to wellness

How To Go Minimal

Just .99

This simple living ebook helps you adopt a more minimalist lifestyle with tips, tricks and routines that transform your style.

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