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The Empowerment Codes

Activate Your Cells. Activate Your Life. Activate Your Destiny. 

The Empowerment Codes guides you through three powerful modules which enable your life, your cells, and your soul to come back into coherence with your Divine Original Blueprint so you can start living as your Authentic Self.

You will be taught how to anchor in and layer the included Frequency Codes by yourself so that you can use them in all areas of your life, in ever-increasingly powerful ways, without even needing to listen to the Codes, once they have been activated into your body.

In Module One ~ Stability ~ you are being given the tools and activations needed to Stabilize your energetic frequency while learning how to properly manifest what you desire by learning about and using your powerful mind and channeled intentions guided by your Authentic Self vision.

Module One Lessons:

Layering and Anchoring Codes, The Infinite Power Of Your Own Mind, and Finding Harmony with Your Authentic Self

Module One Frequency Codes:
Brain and Time Balancing, The Healing Pod and Align and Assimilate, Rooted, Stability, Happy Home, and Emotional Cellular Clearing.


In Module Two ~ Harmony ~ you are learning how to further Harmonize your life from cell to soul. You will have been given the proper universal frequencies that will restore your energetic signature back to its original divine blueprint so you can have a solid, healed, protected, and cohesive platform to continue all of your inner and outer growth from with ease and grace.

Module Two Lessons:

The Sacred Shield Activation which in and of itself is a powerful bonus gift teaching you how to reintegrate and reactivate your natural and powerful force field around your body, and Light Rituals for Protection and Clearing.

Module Two Frequency Codes:

All The Good Things, Ease, Rejuvenation, Harmony, and Childlike Joy and Wonder.


In Module Three ~ Empowerment ~ you will be taught and gifted the proper activations to literally empower yourself from the inside out. Here you will regain the confidence of knowing and remembering your vast and limitless nature as a spiritual being and feel once again what it is like to expand your healed energy field so much farther than it has been able to reach before while living in discord. You naturally start feeling better, being happier, watching your goals get checked off your list, and so many other possibilities that come

Module Three Lessons:

Empowering Your Life With Divine Heart Awareness and Awakening, and Living as Your Authentic Self in a 5D World.

Module Three Frequency Codes:

Heart Awakening and Opening, Heart Expansion, Prosperity, Strength, Wisdom, As Above So Below.

The Frequency Codes, the sacred tools, workbooks, journals, and videos inside this course will gift you with what you need to create stability in your life and body, then to harmonize yourself to the potent and heightened energies of your highest timeline, and then into an awakened and empowered way of being so you can truly rediscover your limitless nature.

Every one of these Codes offers your body stabilization, restoration, and revitalization while giving your systems the capacity to continually receive more Light Frequencies to benefit your full-on evolution.

The expansion and growth that has been experienced with these codes is nothing less than wondrous. All of my students have had huge shifts in personal development, energy clearing, heightened healing abilities and so much more.

By honoring the stabilization and cohesion of your energy body and your physical body you too can begin to witness how quickly your intended shifts and healing takes place in your reality.

The Empowerment Cdes Course is akin to bringing your life and your body back into zero-field resonance with the Universe, Earth, and your Soul Self all at once.

This is so much more than diving into limiting beliefs or mindset shifts alone.

This course is gifting you with the actual frequencies you need to recalibrate and strengthen yourself back into your original divine blueprint.

From learning how to activate your Sacred Shield, to meeting and channeling in your most Authentic Self's biggest visions, and much more in between, you will come out of this experience a New and Restored Spiritually Activated Energetic Being who Knows, Remembers, and can Wield their own Energetic Power in this life for the betterment of your entire reality. 

I believe in you and I am here for you.

I have made it my mission to fill this course with everything needed to gift you the experience of renewal and empowerment.

Reach out to me at [email protected] if you have any questions at all. 

What People Are Saying:

I have tried 3 of the codes now. I look forward to listening every evening as I am winding down my day. Last night I listened to "Good things". The images that I see are so real. I got a beautiful field of fescue swaying gently in the wind, as the energy traveled through my body! I am so appreciative to be able to take this journey with you all!

Jen B. ~ Student in The Frequency Codes Course

Wow! So the chemtrail thing during happy home...... we have BAD BAD chemtrails here. It's constant. They were over the house when we did happy home and literally stopped appearing and moved off to the east after we did the session. They did not appear again and today the sky has been so incredibly beautifully blue. I am so happy!! My husband too. And this morning we were having a bit of a weird spat and I intentionally reset my own vibration to call in Happy Home and he let me bring his energy up using selenite, rainbow fluorite and a boost from my force. It was AMAZING. He actually went running with me (which has happened once in 15 years) and we had a great time." "Wild wild wild! I love it!" "This is incredible!!! And it’s a shift you know you can’t go back from. The old physical “home” or perception of reality as we previously held falls away as we move into this higher vibration state of existence!!! Good Medicine!

Kristy B. ~ Student in The Frequency Codes Course

I also did the emotional cellular clearing. As soon as Meghan started speaking I got very hot. I saw like hot yellows rays coming down. I had a lot of pressure on my Third Eye Chakra through this whole Activation. I felt pressure on my left shoulder, left hip & leg. I usually lay quietly through these but this one I had to keep stretching and moving my jaw ( I even stuck my tongue out a couple times which I'm not sure what that was all about) and my body felt so hot. I got the message that I had to physically push the energies through and out my body. I also got the message that I am now advanced enough that I can do many of these Activations and other Energy work quickly & daily. Thank You, Meghan Rose, for this opportunity!

Michele B. ~ Student in The Frequency Codes Course

During All Good Things this morning I felt a strong tingling throughout the left side of my body. Also, I felt frequencies descending through my head and my feet are still strumming with energy thirty minutes later. Loving the clearing and cleaning taking place.

Danielle N. ~ Student in The Frequency Codes Course

I did the all good things activation today (and prosperity the other night) when I got to work there were three new client leads waiting for me on my desk.

Amanda P. ~ Student in The Frequency Codes Course

...I was wondering how giving a Reiki treatment would be after all these activations. I have two treatments booked today and I just finished the first one. On Sunday I had given a session and something new happened. My hand started to vibrate/tremor when I was on one of her knees- I just went with it until it subsided figuring there was a lot of energy to blast through...today my hand again started to vibrate on its own- and then I clued in that I had done the healing pod activation BEFORE my session on Sunday! So I think it’s safe to say that yes! It has had an impact!

Amanda P. ~ Student in The Frequency Codes Course