Create your course today.

Consistent cash is possible

in just six weeks.




From Framework to Sales, learn how to design your course to create consistent cash flow.



Develop course delivery styles that engage clients and deliver results on repeat.



Learn how to use social media to attract clients with ease.


You’re just a few steps (er, weeks) away from a creating and selling your first or next course.
Join today and create consistent cash flow.

What is included?

📌 Six Modules including Developing your course framework, How to create a program promise that delivers, Teaching Methods 101, Designing modules that engage your students, Selling on social media, and How to turn your course into consistent cash

📌 Six live group coaching calls to ask questions about your offers

📌 Weekly critiques of your course, sales page, and social media content

📌 One 30 minute 1:1 coaching call

📌 Community Space for feedback

📌 PLUS "How to Use Clubhouse to Make Sales" (bonus trainings)

From Monica:

I've been a course creator and curriculum writer for over 20 years. I'm here to help you learn how to create your course without wasting time, energy, and cash. Course Cash Flow is the exact program I wish I had had when I started out in my business. From framework to module design to social selling, I'm teaching you all of my secrets.



What past students have to say

”The impact of working with Monica has been tremendous!

I not only feel confident in my marketing strategy but more importantly, my confidence as a business owner has grown exponentially! Monica is so generous with her knowledge and inspires others to do the same. She never hesitates to help me work through challenges and is always willing to serve as a catalyst by introducing me to others doing amazing things. 

-Ayesis Clay

”I got clear on my signature offer!

I enrolled in Monica's program and I’m so glad that I did. During the program I got clear on what my “signature” offer would be and how creating it would assist me in creating sustainable income over time. Now I can focus more energy on my message, my blogging, and 1:1 clients because of what I created with her. This course was priceless and Monica is an expert strategist.

-Jen Lancaster

”During the program, I got my first client!

One thing I immediately noticed was that the program was more personal than others I had done. For example, other coaches had an on demand structure where I didn't get 1:1 attention. With Monica, I felt heard and got direct feedback which was the most helpful.

-Jami Johnson

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