become a consistent exerciser

in 6 weeks

without deprivation, guilt, or overwhelm



If you’re a stressed, overwhelmed and frustrated mom looking to make self-care a daily habit while still being present with your family, then you already know you need to move yourself up the list of priorities.

You know you should put the proverbial oxygen mask on yourself first. You know daily exercise is vital to the quality of your life NOW and IN THE FUTURE.




Making exercise a habit is not as complicated as you are making it.

  • You only need a few minutes a day.

    So many of us try to make changes that are unsustainable because we start off too big.
  • Comparisonitis is a new habit killer.

    It doesn't matter what your friend/sister/coworker is doing. You need to meet yourself where you are.
  • Motivation is NOT what you need.

    People who make changes that stick don't have more motivation than you do.
  • Discipline gives you freedom.

    Having some discipline doesn't take away your flexibility. It increases it.
  •  There are multiple ways to find time in your day.

    We all have the same number of hours in a day. We just use them differently.

Even though the reasons to make exercise a daily habit are a complete no brainer, the path to actually doing it is anything but


Sounds great. But where the heck do I start?


You've vowed to do this before. You've bought the DVD's, the online subscriptions and the gym memberships. You've made the perfect playlist and registered for a 5K as motivation. You cleaned the clothes off the treadmill in the basement or the elliptical in the corner of your bedroom and you declared, THIS TIME I REALLY F&%$ING MEAN IT. I AM GOING TO START EXERCISING.

But even with the best intentions, you've fallen off the path.

Here is why so many of us abandon our plan to take care of our bodies. Most of us don't have a manageable and sustainable plan and we don't meet ourselves where we are. We begin with expectations that are unrealistic, while at the same time failing to give ourselves permission to do things imperfectly. And then when life inevitably throws us a curve ball, we judge ourselves, call ourselves failures, and we quit. 

We become victims to perfection paralysis. 

As the (figurative and literal) driver of the family bus, you cannot afford to neglect yourself and indefintely veer off course. The moment you take a detour is usually followed by the decision to throw in the towel for good. That's why making exercise a part of your daily routine is something you have to figure out how to do.

No matter how many times you've failed in the past, you CAN figure this out.

You just need to develop a realistic and sustainable plan that works for you and your family.

The 5 Mindset Shifts You Need to Make Right Now

To Make Exercise A Habit 


Eliminate Self-Neglect For Good 

Mindset Shift #1

Exercise is something you do because you LOVE your body. 

(and not because you hate it)

People who don't exercise regularly view it as punishment. But exercise is the biggest gift you can give yourself.

MIndset Shift #2

Exercise Makes You A Better Parent 

(not a selfish one)

So many of us convince ourselves that taking ten or twenty or thirty minutes every day to take care of our body and brain is selfish and time that should be spent with the kids. 

But the reality is that investing time in yourself allows you to be more present and focused and patient with your children.

Mindset Shift #3

Motivation Is Bullsh*t

(making exercise a habit has nothing to do with motivation)

Motivation is fleeting for all of us. Even the most elite athletes aren't motivated to workout every day. 

People who have made exercise a part of their daily routines have developed habits that are manageable and sustainable, and this eliminates the need for motivation.

MIndset Shift #4

A Few Minutes A Day Is Enough

(you don't need to exercise for massive amounts of time)

We so often fail to implement exercise as a habit because we falsely believe we have to allocate massive amounts of time for it to make a difference. When you meet yourself where you are and start off with what is reasonable for where you are right now, you can stack on top of that when you are ready. 

The key is to start off small.

MIndset Shift #5

Exercise Is Not Just For Your Body

(it's the biggest gift you can give your brain, too)

Exercise is the best stress reliever out there. It's a natural and super effective antidepressant.

It helps you move out of your comfort zone not just physically, but emotionally, and it helps you deal with the ups and downs that accompany parenthood and life in general.

Exercise is also the catalyst for getting your sh*t together in every other area of your life. When you exercise you are more efficient, more productive, and even more organized.

Shh...I'm going to let you in on a dirty little secret...

There are moms who have been able to establish exercise as a part of their self care routine.

They don't have more time than you (we all have the same 24 hours). It's not about money or how many kids you have or not having enough money to purchase that fancy gym membership.

As long as you can avoid the most common mistakes/excuses/mindset traps that prevent you from developing habits your future self will be totally psyched about ten, twenty, and thirty years down the road, you will have success.

The key ingredient to this is figuring out what works for YOU and your family.

And with your permission, that's what I'd love to help you do.

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"Susie's courses are legit. I highly recommend taking her courses. It's such a great value for what you come away with. In my opinion, it's priceless. I can't imagine being stuck with who I was a year ago. I love the new me and I never would have been able to do it without Susie and the community she has created for her members. I'm not sure how to live without them. Looking forward to what 2020 brings!"

Maureen, Mother, Wife, & Current Course Member


Become A Consistent Exerciser

Close the gap from neglecting yourself to kicking ass in all areas of your life.

I've taken everything I've learned as a mom of five who works both in and outside of the home and created a systematic course that works for any woman.

I've coached and guided thousands of women in just about all 50 states, six countries, and four continents (and counting) how to make changes that work for their schedule, their family and their lives.

I've not only created an actionable plan for you to follow, but also a super supportive online community that  helps you figure out what works best for you, and lets you know you are never alone in your challenges.

BACE CAMP 2020 is the ONLY program of its kind that…

1. Shifts your mindset around exercise.
2. Is flexible and works anywhere you are.
3. Works with all ages, all sizes, and all levels of ability.
4. Is manageable, sustainable, and realistic.
5. Allows you to determine what works for you and your family.

So if you’re ready to finally make exercise a habit without guilt, overwhelm and deprivation,

Here's how I'll help you get there...



> 6 Modules Of Course Content Delivered Weekly (lifetime access)


> Daily Lessons In Each Module Delivered Straight To Your Inbox


> Live Facebook Coaching 3X/Week

(18 live coaching workshops!)


> Course Workbook, Trackers, Planners, & More


> Unmatched, Supportive Facebook Community




Module 1

Shift Your Mindset and Determine Your Plan

In this module, we will shift those beliefs about exercise and self care that have put you at the bottom of the list of priorities.

You'll figure out where you see yourself in 60 days, set goals, and develop a plan that works for YOU.

Even if you've never exercised in your life, this module will break down what you need to do in simple easy-to-execute steps that will finally make you feel confident about the direction you are going.

  • set short-term and long-term goals
  • develop a plan that works for you and your family.
Module 2

Develop Habits You Can Maintain 

Now that you have a plan put into place, we move into establishing the habits that will get you to your short and long term goals.

  • learn why you have "failed" in the past
  • discover what you need to do differently to make habits stick
  • determine the habits you will focus on
Module 3

Establish Baselines and Learn How To Plan For Success

You know where you've gone wrong in the past and you know what you need to do differently.

Now we determine where you are and then work on how to plan your new habits into your schedule in a way that is manageable for you and your family.

  • track starting points in multiple areas giving you several ways to see progress
  • make a plan that works for YOU, your schedule, and your lifestyle
  • begin to see changes
Module 4

Find Extra Time In Your Day

You've got goals, you know where you're starting from, and you've made the plan.

Now we discover where all the lost time is in your day.

Module 5

Take Ownership and Learn To Manage Your Thoughts

In Module 5 you are becoming physically stronger and this leads to emotional strength. Now you are ready to really take responsibility for your future.


  • understand how you create your own reality
  • learn what YOU can control and how to do that


Module 6

How To Keep Showing Up

This is the stage of the game where the excitement of beginning something new has left the building, and things get boring and monotonous.

Here we will use everything you have learned about habits and managing your thoughts to set you up for continued success upon course completion.


  • develop strategies though live group coaching
  • setting long-term goals
  • measuring progress

100% Money Back Guarantee

Show me that you followed the course content, completed all tasks, participated in live coaching calls and did not have success in making changes, and I will gladly refund your money.

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BACE CAMP 2020 is PERFECT for you if…

  1. 1. You are just getting started with making exercise a part of your routine and you want to do it right.

  2. 2. You used to exercise consistently and you have lost your mojo.

  3. 3. You want to level up but need some direction and a kick in the behind.

  4. 4. You are overwhelmed and want to make a change but you don't know where to begin.

  5. 5.You have started and stopped so many times before and you want to fix it once and for all.

  6. 6.You are ready to do something differently.

  7. 7. You want someone who has figured out a proven road map to guide you.

  8. 8. You need support and guidance and a community who understands what you are struggling with.

  9. 9. You want to set a better example for your kids.

  10. 10. You are ready to take action!

If you said “yes” to any of the above, I can’t wait to meet you inside


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