The Mindful Productivity Project

More focus

Better sleep

Better sex

A stronger body

A joyful, more productive life

Are you into it?

Want to start today?

Yes you do!

Develop your psychic skills with this month-long meditation course designed in the Taoist, Buddhist, and yogic traditions, using Western science-backed research, to bring greater focus, clearer intuition, and peaceful transformation to your life.

In just 30 days, you will have: 

  • A rock solid self care practice that lights you up
  • Unshakeable confidence to make the best decisions to move yourself forward 
  • The ability to easily overcome hiccups instead of getting completely thrown off
  • A high-vibe foundation to create everything you want in life because you trust yourself so deeply
Get on it!

Has the insanity of this year left you unclear about the next steps for your goals?

Does your highly sensitive nature leave you motivated but unable to focus on what you know you need to do to make your dreams come true?

Are you ready to expand the seeds of transformation that have been planted in you during this season of change?

The Mindful Productivity Project is a month-long meditation course designed in the Taoist, Buddhist, and yogic traditions, using Western science-backed research, to bring greater focus, clearer intuition, and peaceful transformation to your life.

The choice is yours.  You can stay stuck the same self-defeating patterns that leave you second-guessing, financially strapped, and stuck in the constant state of not having or being enough. 

Or you can sign up for transformation

"It was a lot easier than I thought to set aside 5 minutes everyday (especially in the morning right after I get up) to meditate. I was surprised how calm I felt during the practice and for the rest of the day. I have not done yoga or meditation in the past, but I can't believe how much more at peace I feel after listening to your videos. After the 5 minutes stopped, I didn't want it to end!"


"Your videos have helped calm my anxious thoughts and focus more on the things in my life that actually matter, and it's only been one week!"


"Your meditations are one of the first things I go to when I need to focus! I can see and feel such a difference, even just after five short minutes. I don't feel as confused or overwhelmed."


"I did day one...I've been feeling rather anxious and stressed this week, and it helped me feel more centered. I feel my mood being uplifted as well. I am feeling very motivated and can already tell that this class is going to be great for my mental and physical health! Thank you for sharing your time and knowledge with us!"

Hi! I'm Morgan! Here's why I created this course:

Meditation is easy for NO ONE! For most people, including myself, it is incredibly difficult to be still.

And that's the big issue I noticed with my yoga teacher clients: they had mastered the moving meditation, but were TOTALLY resisting the seated meditation.

Once you get past the physical discomfort from wiggling around the physical postures, you then must get into the deeper emotional aspect which can feel even more painful because often we’re not just processing the current emotion, but all the previous times we’ve felt that emotion in our entire lives (and sometimes multiple lifetimes!)

The emotional stuff does not heal as fast as the physical stuff. We don’t necessarily have all the tools for our ego, mind, thoughts, and traumas, as we do for the traumas that happen to our physical bodies.

So how can you make meditation easier to tap into the intuition that you need to make your dreams come true?

💛 We're going to teach your body how to process the big emotions is a way that feels good

💛 We'll give you the tools, tricks, and ancient practices to move through even the stickiest emotional resistance

💛 Learn how to strengthen your awareness with gentleness in order to tap into your intuition to figure out the next steps of your goals effortlessly

My business plan revolves around meditation

I will go fucking crazy without it, you guys. Meditation along with yoga keeps me grounded and helps me keep a clear mind. It is how I care for my mind and body.

It's also how I make decisions for my business: by creating a space quiet enough to listen to my deepest Inner Knowing. 

If I had let the negative emotions and the drudged-up trauma intimidate me into never sitting again, I would not be writing this blog post. 

I would not have this business.

Meditation has created a spiritual outlet for me. It has given me the ability to hone my inner thoughts and feelings. Above all else, it has made my life easier. 

I have the business I want, the freedom I want, and the money I want. 

I get to slide from one adventure to the next instead of fighting against the tide.

That’s because of the practices you will learn inside The Mindful Productivity Project. 

And I want to walk through a 30 day journey with you so you can have the life you want too!

I understand 2020 has been a difficult year for many of us. 

You may have neglected your mind, body, and spirit during these challenging times. 

If you are ready to commit to improving yourself, I invite you to reserve your seat starting on November 1st.  

I want to help you master your own needs. If you have as little as 5 minutes a day, this program is perfect for you. 

I will teach you how to:

💛 Increase productivity so that you can start making the money you need to make your dreams come true. 

💛 Stay motivated to keep your energy high all day line and avoid fatigue or depression #empathsunite!

💛 Remain optimistic to feel joy in your body all the time (yes even during the dumpster fire that is 2020).

💛 Maintain high vibration so you can expand your community and shine your light for the people who need it the most.

Oh!  You’re still Reading?  Okay... here are the details: 


  1. You'll set a Big Dream Goal and develop your intuition and psychic senses to learn how to make your dreams come true in this dimension.
  2. You'll receive a daily email with a 5-minute meditation.
  3. You’ll have access to yoga classes and self-care rituals to support your transformation.

There is no pressure to complete everything every day. If you only have 5 minutes that day, then just do the five minutes. 

Friends, let’s make your life easier. Step into 2021 feeling refreshed. Click the link below to sign up.

Namaste ✨ 

Let's do it!