Amazon aStores - Mini Course

Looking to earn extra money this month?  Do almost nothing and have money deposited into your account.  Learn how to make money with Amazon's affiliate program.

Did you know?

  • By sending people to your Amazon store, you can earn money even if they don't buy anything you recommended
  • You will also earn a commission on everything they bought in their ENTIRE shopping cart
  • You don't have to keep inventory, package, ship, etc. and will still get commissions when someone buys a product and Amazon dones all of the work!

Sound too good to be true?  I know!  That is what I thought and I had to create this program so you could start earning passive income now.  

In this mini course, you will learn...

  1. How any person or business can make money with Amazon
  2. How to set up your aStore (Screen Share Tutorial)

Then I will show you my two stores that I currently have. What is interesting about my two stores is they are completely different businesses. I have a "brick and mortar" performing arts academy and then the other business is the Stacy Tuschl brand that is 100% online. For those of you that have one of those types of businesses, you can copy my store exactly. Don't worry if your business is unique. By seeing both examples, you will understand what you could put in your store.

Showing you both of these stores will demonstrate that any kind of business can do this. And the best part, you don’t even have to be have a business. I will share with you a few examples of people that can do this in addition to their day job.


How to Make Money with Amazon aStore

You will learn... 1. Amazon aStore overview 2. Screen Share of How to Set Up a Store 3. A walk through of both of my Amazon aStores

$24.99 USD