Uh-Oh! Mommy I'm Wet!










How many times have you heard those words? or Seen that look that lets you know a diaper change is needed - AGAIN! How would getting rid of those diapers feel once and for all? 

In this video-based workshop, Potty Training Success: Do It Right From The Start you will learn everything you need to know to toss the diapers. Sounds great right?


I Need Potty Training Success

What Moms Say About LuAnn

LuAnn has been a gift to me and both my babies as I navigated the world of a reflux ridden preemie, day care viruses, potty training, and other issues this year with my now 4 year old. 

Lisa, mom of 2

LuAnn has been a great source of info on EVERYTHING and it is so great to have the community here to cheer each other on and share and learn. I probably would have given up breastfeeding if it wasn't for LuAnn. I am about to cry a little just thinking about it. Oh and as a member of the Dream Baby University, the content is phenomenal and having the ability to speak directly with LuAnn is invaluable. 

Courtney, first time mom and member of Dream Baby University

How hasn't LuAnn helped me is the easier question?!! Being a first time mom you never know the right place to go for guidance, but this quickly became my first stop. She has given amazing and accurate insight on everything I have needed from breastfeeding and infant sleeping tips, to baby/life balance, and how to nurse my baby back to health after various illnesses from day care. Thank you so much for the Dream Baby Cafe.  

Erin, first time mom

Tell me more about Potty Training Success: Do it right from the start

Listen as LuAnn Marlow, Founder and Baby Coach at Dream Baby Cafe talks about the Potty Training Success: Do It Right From The Start Course


Register for the Potty Training Success Workshop now


Preschool will only take potty trained kids?

Are you starting to get a little nervous because your preschool or Mother's Morning Out will only take children if they are potty trained? You don't want to hold her back because she seems so ready. But, you aren't sure what to do.

Frequently Asked Questions

Things Parents Ask About the Potty Training Success Workshop

In this workshop I will cover: 

Signs of Readiness of Potty Training (these are probably NOT what you are thinking)

5 Reasons Potty Training Fails

Mistakes Parents Make When Potty Training (you will learn NOT to make these)

Potty Prep Steps for Success - before you even start talking about potty training! (You can even start these for children who are not yet ready to potty train!)

my Step Up Plan for Being Diaper Free

Troubleshooting Toilet Time - Tips and Strategies for what to do if you hit some roadblocks in the process 

Q&A - I will answer common questions parents have asked at the end of the workshop 

This is a video based online course that you will have access to immediately.

You can watch this course at your own convenience - and re-watch it whenever you want. 

That will be incredibly valuable as you begin the journey to being diaper free. (No having to remember everything I say!)

You will receive access to the Potty Training Success Course immediately after purchase via a thank you page. You will also.receive a link in your email. Make sure to look for it as they often go to spam.

This page will also include supplies and a workbook.

The course will also live in your library of products on my website where you can access it as often as you like. 

You can download and watch this or watch it online as many times as you would like. 

You can share the link to anyone living in your home who cares for your child. 

If there is someone else who you feel will benefit from this information - such as neighbors, babysitters, friends and relatives - please share the purchasing information with them. 

You want to take your family on a Dream Vacation but cannot imagine taking your child in diapers?

I don't blame you. Disney in diapers would just not have the same magic! But oh those memories... Would you like help with that?

Let me be your Toddler Doula!

How many of you had a Labor or Postpartum Doula? Or wished you did? It is incredibly helpful to have someone knowledgeable who can assist and support you in those early days.

Well, think of me as your Toddler Doula (or Doo-la -see what I did there!)

Toddlerhood is hard anyway with all of their power struggles - and now you have to figure out the best way to get them out of diapers? Who has time for all of that?

So, that is what I am for. I've done all of that hard work for you. And I know all about toddlers. So, all you have to do is show up, sit back and listen. I will walk you through the whole process step by step. Nothing held back. You can even ask your questions.  


Sign me up!

How much does the workshop cost?

The real question is "How much is another month in diapers costing you?" The Live Workshop + the Replay - which you can watch as many times as you want - is only $50! You can figure this out on your own - buy the books, find the time to read them, listen to your friends or mother in law, try out some different methods and see what works... Or save all of that time and money and let me help you get this right from the very beginning. Can you afford NOT to take this workshop?


50% Complete

Two Step

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