Gain confidence to find and fulfill your Higher Life Purpose and make a positive impact for a better world!


Find True Meaning & Fulfillment in your Work! 

Become more  inspired, successful, energized, motivated, happier and healthier, creating a better and more sustainable world for you and those you love!

  • Connect to your inner inspired creative force, your passions, skills, talents and core values that are uniquely and authentically You.
  • Connect to the world around you and gain clarity on who you serve, the problems you solve and the results they achieve.
  • Get clarity on your Life Purpose, Mission and Vision, formulate your Story, and turn your Purpose into a Positive Impact Action Plan.
  • Be empowered to make a sustainable impact with the Sustainable Bootcamp providing you with the latest tools and frameworks.

We are living in a time of great crises and unprecedented change, including the huge impact of the Corona virus.  Yet, every crisis also gives us opportunities. 

This could well be the opportunity for all of us to step into our power to take better care of our health, each other and our planet too. I believe the Corona crisis is a wake-up call for humanity to accelerate the transformation towards creating a better world for all. It is an opportunity to transform ourselves, unleashing a better future for you and others around you.  

NOW, more than ever, the world needs more purposeful and compassionate people who work together to create a better, more sustainable, world for generations to come.

NOW is the time to change the way we live, work and do business by doing the right thing for ourselves, for humanity and for our beautiful planet.

However, in order to create the change we want to see in the world, we need to BE the change and reconnect both to our authentic selves, our Higher Purpose and to nature to start creating positive and regenerative impact in our life, work and businesses.

Are you ready for a transformation into a more sustainable and meaningful job or business unleashing your Potential?

If so, sign up now to join me and other compassionate people and leaders, from all walks of life, for a 3 months “Purposeful Journey’ to get clarity on your Life Purpose and find out how your unique role could help make the world a better place!

Do you also care about preserving and regenerating our beautiful planet and do you recognize yourself in the below?

  • You're in a pivotal moment of change in your career (e.g. your current work doesn't reflect your values anymore, you're in between jobs, you'd love a more sustainable job, create a more sustainable impact, or are thinking of setting up your own sustainable business). You'd love a more meaningful and fulfilling job or business that makes a positive impact for people and the planet. And you really need some help to do this.
  • You know there is a powerful force for good in you that wants to come out. You feel you are more than your previous job titles and want to be able to unleash your full potential.
  • You'd love to be able to help create a better world, whilst doing what you love and loving what you do. And you've been looking for a coach who has been there, is doing that, and can provide you with the tools you need to do this successfully yourself.
  • You're keen to get clarity on your Life Purpose and Values and choose your next job or business fully in line with that. And you're looking out for step by step guidance on how to do get clarity on your own Life Purpose and how to fulfill it.

Do you feel the urgency to make a positive difference in the world? But you just don't know how or where to start? Or how to maximize your positive impact?

If so, this training will help you to become a thriving heart centred leader who can make a real difference in the world. And it will be one of the best life changing investments you’ve ever made...!

Being successful and purposeful at work can be challenging, even without the rapid rise of humanity’s challenges, like the Corona crisis, the Climate crisis, ecological breakdown and the high expectations of employees, customers and investors to do something about this. 

Before the Corona crisis, you might have already experienced lack of meaning and fulfillment. Now maybe you have even lost your job or business! Whether you still have work or not, now is the time to embrace change and adapt in order to survive, become more resilient, and thrive in a sustainable way going forward through valuable and more meaningful work.

Whatever work or business you are in, did you know that about 87% of people lack meaning in their jobs? 

  • This is why you might be struggling with your work or business, because it leads to low staff engagement, low productivity, high sickness absence and high staff turnover.
  • It is also why you might be struggling to find meaning and purpose in your job. Or find new jobs that are aligned with your Purpose and values.
  • But, I can tell you purposeful and meaningful jobs and companies do exist!
  • Wouldn't you love to find out about companies and organizations that put purpose, people and planet before profits?
  • Who are making a real positive impact and difference in the world.
  • Wouldn't you love to be able to do that too?

Before the Corona crisis many people were fed up with feeling that they were just busy being busy and that they were stuck in a rat race. Did you feel like this? Whether the crisis is over or not, wouldn't you love to find yourself in jobs or businesses whose main focus is not just on sales and profits? Wouldn't you love to work in much more fulfilling jobs and businesses that actually contribute to something more meaningful instead?

So, are YOU looking for more fulfillment in your next job, current work or business?

Now you've had some time to pause and reflect during this Corona crisis:

  • Do you feel that something is missing for you and that there is so much more to life?
  • Do you feel that your work is not connected to what is really happening in the world?
  • Do you feel at times that you are separated from who you really are, or at least who you completely are?
  • Do you often feel a lack of energy, passion, motivation or engagement in your work or even almost burnt-out at times?
  • Do you feel that your skills, talents and abilities are under-utilized?
  • Do you feel you are capable of so much more?
  • Would you seriously want to go back to business as usual or would you like to help create the new normal?
  • If this resonates with you then join me in taking better care of your own health and that of others whilst taking care of the health of the planet. 

My Story

Hi I am Sophie Wisbrun, Founder of Doing Business Doing Good, mum of 3 young children. They are the very reason WHY I started my business: to do all that I can to help preserve our beautiful planet for them.

As a young child I realized very soon that the caring loving family home, where respect for people and planet are normal, was not the case for the majority of our wider home, planet earth.  I felt a strong responsibility to do something about this.  I decided, when hearing the issues the adults were talking about, to do all I can to extend my impact to the wider family circle of planet earth.

If I see my kids enjoying nature, it just hurts to know that at the same time natural ecosystems are collapsing all around us.  Our beautiful world is being destroyed and most species are being wiped out.  My family is everything to me, and we are all connected.  I just feel so much urgency everyday to do all I can to preserve, protect and restore our beautiful planet for them, and for all of us.

I made a conscious choice to study business and to work in business. I believed that if I could redefine business, redefine business leadership and turn it into a force for good, I could create a big impact.  I am on a mission to empower business leaders to use their business as a force for good and be the catalysts to achieve positive change around them.

I was a purpose and sustainability REVOLUTIONARY in large multinationals for 15 years.  It was hard to row against the stream and change the business from within.  During this time, I created a dual role for myself.  Alongside my role as Marketeer and Business Leader, I took up the role of Sustainability Leader to embed Purpose and Sustainability in the brands, teams, organizations and businesses I was managing.

I was amazed to discover that if people can use their passions, gifts and talents for a cause they really care about in their job, they can create magic!  They get sparkles in their eyes, they are super motivated, energized, excited, and successful, have fun at work and reach their highest potential.  And if this inner drive of people is organized towards a shared vision, mission and purpose that is truly aspirational, amazing results can be achieved.  And the biggest, boldest business visions can be fulfilled.

Turning bold visions into reality is possible. For example, I ignited a purpose and sustainability revolution inside one of the biggest multinationals that still lives on today. I was pulled forward by my own purpose to empower and inspire business leaders to use their business as a force for good. And the vision of becoming one of the most sustainable companies in the country was realized because leaders could turn their purpose into action in their work.

I designed several award winning sustainability campaigns, some even significantly shifted consumer behaviour. I continuously raised awareness on what to do to combat climate change and successfully transformed people, brands and organisations to become more sustainable and purpose driven, resulting in high staff engagement, more efficient operations and huge business growth.

A VP of one of the biggest brands in the world that had just been attacked by Greenpeace activists invited me to teach her how I did it.  She was ashamed of her brand but did not believe she could change things, so I showed her how.  She’s now one of the champions to end Ocean Plastic.  

If I can do it, you can too!  This Training will show you the Way!

So what BENEFITS can you expect?

Purpose gives you wings!  Purpose fuels your inner Fire!  Purpose makes you UNSTOPPABLE!

Research proves that if you have a purpose and are making a positive difference, you are more energized, engaged, motivated, fulfilled, productive, efficient, and successful. Being purposeful makes you more resilient, creative and  adaptable in times of crisis. I have personally experienced this.

If you are more Purposeful, you use all your inner strengths and are more creative, adaptable and resilient.

Having a purpose and doing good can even make you happier and healthier.  It has also been shown that people who have defined their Life’s Purpose actually live longer!

If you live your purpose it can give you greater clarity and confidence, help you to make easier and better decisions, and you are much more likely to take on bigger challenges, stand up for what you believe in and achieve better things in your work and personal life. 

You can be the change you want to see in this world, you just need to make a choice on what difference, what positive impact, you want to make and then take action...   

Purpose-driven and Sustainable companies tend to attract the best people, have more engaged employees and have more loyal and satisfied customers.  I have seen this result in more efficient and effective business operations, huge business growth and higher profits.  These companies do well by doing goodso can YOU! 

 “I believe if we all turn our Life’s Purposes into action in service of the Greater Good, we can create a better, more sustainable world together with respect for people and planet.”

The proven Purpose to Impact Training™ gives your the blueprint and helps You discover your unique Life purpose and turn it into positive impact for people, planet and profit.


“Sophie turns everything we dream of into action!”

Paul Staartje, President advisory board Waysis BV


Your award winning Purpose Activator: turning your dreams into reality!

I am an award winning Purpose Activator.  I am so excited to help you to live an inspired Life guided by Purpose whilst making the world a better place.  I can help you to really turn your Purpose into concrete results for you, your business, people and our planet.

  • I have inspired and empowered CEOs, Business Leaders and Managers in various functions, to discover their Purpose and turn it into positive action.

  • I have coached Business Leaders to (re)discover their individual purpose and the purpose of their brands and organizations.

  • I have created a culture of Purpose inside large organizations that have led to increased employee engagement and significant business growth.

  • I have designed several award winning purposeful and sustainable brand campaigns to solve societal issues, like climate change.

  • I am a certified Purpose Coach, have an MBA specialization in Sustainability from the University of Geneva, and have also completed many other Purpose and Sustainability Courses.

  • I am a trained B Leader, Trained by the Non Profit B Lab UK to advise companies how to leverage B Lab’s Assessment tools to improve their positive impact in the world and become a better force for good.

  • My keynotes, seminars and workshops on Purpose Discovery and Activation have been rated 100% inspirational.

  • I have been inspired and pulled forward by my own personal Purpose my whole life.

I know every one of you can live a Purpose Inspired Life full of Purpose Inspired Action too, if you follow my proven method!

The Proven and Unique Purpose to Impact Training ProgramTM

I know you can become Purpose Inspired as well and really find true meaning and fulfillment at work, in your next job or your new business. This is why I am super excited to offer you a comprehensive and proven Online Training Program to discover and turn your Purpose into Action.

Clients I have worked with tell me once you have a taste of your Life Purpose and translate it in the first actions, you become unstoppable and just want more and more.  Changing the world becomes super enjoyable and addictive.  You are on fire, you have wings, and you simply become more successful, happier and healthier! Wouldn't that be great to be your new normal?

I want this transformation for you as well. I want this to be your new normal, as the world needs you and you deserve it to live your life to the fullest in your job and in your business as well!

12 Week Online Training Program

My 12 week program will give you all the inspiration, tools, exercises, tips, examples and community you need to take your leadership for good to the next level, reconnect to or rediscover your Purpose and turn it into a Positive Impact Plan at work.

WhoYou, me, and other like-minded, heart centred, compassionate people who want to do some good and make a real difference to your lives, your business, other people and our planet. This is for you if you are looking for a more meaningful job, transitioning to a sustainable job, starting your own sustainable business or wanting to creating a bigger positive impact in your current sustainable role at work. 

Why: Because what is more important these times than knowing yourself, understanding what really energizes, motivates and inspires you, and sets you on Fire to jump out of bed every day, and discovering why you are here on earth in the first place so you can fulfill your Purpose?

When: next course is starting December 14, 2020 

Where: Online, in the comfort of your own home or workplace


Sign up now!

The Purpose to Impact Training ProgramTM will offer:

  • A blueprint of tools you need to live your life on Purpose unleashing your potential to create a Better Future for you and others around  you.

  • You will receive all the inspiration, information, guidance, support, tips, examples and tools you need on your Purposeful Journey to (re)discover and (re)connect to your Purpose and turn it into positive action

  • A community of like-minded compassionate people to learn from in a safe space

  • 12 week Online Training Program that you can listen to in your own time and as often as you like. Training will be provided in video.

  • Access to all the recorded classes + bonus recorded lectures for the next 3 years

  • 6 Training Modules including multiple lessons, workbooks, tools and reading materials.

Module 1: Reveal Your Authentic Self

* Revealing the themes of your Life’s stories
* Revealing your passions and interests
* Revealing your skills, gifts, and talents
* Clarifying your wheel of Life and values

Module 2: Clarity on who you Serve

* Who are you really serving?
* What do they need and want, what problems do you solve for them?
* How do they transform as a result?
*Who do you love to work together with?

Module 3: Re-Discovering your Purpose

* Clarify your inspirational Vision
* Clarify your compelling Mission
* Clarify in a Purpose Statement your aspirational Purpose, Your Why

Module 4: Draft your Positive Impact Plan

* Draft a plan and set Goals for you at work
* Draft a plan and set Goals for you at home
* How to live an integrated Authentic Life

Module 5: Connect and Integrate Your Purpose

* Bringing the Being and Doing Together, unleashing your Highest Future Potential
* Connecting the Mind, Heart, Body and Soul
* Discovering your Purpose Type

Module 6: Make your Purpose and Impact Sustainable

* Inner Sustainability: Self-care tips and tools to sustain your Purpose
* Outer Sustainability: Sustainable Bootcamp: latest tools and frameworks to be prepared making a sustainable impact at work

There never has been a better time to invest in yourself than now! So you can become much more employable, purposeful, adaptable, happier, healthier and resilient going forward.

If you are still not sure, I encourage you to think about what is most important to you.  Isn’t it time to invest in yourself, invest into something that is most precious in life, living your true self and fulfilling your life Purpose?  Don’t you want to have that sparkle in your eyes, be full of energy and flow because you are living your Purpose?  Don’t you want to unleash your inner fire and make your dreams become a reality? And be able to thrive on Purpose!

NOW is the ideal time for you to join us and take part in this transformative experience for yourself. You'll get to feel how amazing it will be to use your deep inner creative drive, combined with some practical goals and actions, to bring your Life Purpose into reality, and become much more energized, inspired and truly alive once again, whilst contributing to a better world!

Join me now on your Purposeful Journey with as many compassionate people as possible. So together we can make a better world possible!

Enrollments Closing

Monday, December 14, 2020









Become an UNSTOPPABLE force for good!

It really is possible for you to be that unstoppable force for good, maximizing positive impact for yourself, our society and the planet.  You absolutely can do well by Doing Good!

It’s just a matter of Doing it!

I am very much looking forward to welcoming you into the training and changing your life and that of others for Good.


50% Complete

Two Step

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