The NPA Process: Basic Training


Over 25% Off



£197 Just £147 (Saving £50 with your invitation only offer)


NPA Driving Lessons?

"The NPA Process is simple for sure but there's definitely a skill to it and I see people make the same mistakes with it over and over, which means they never get the full benefit of the opportunity it brings into their lives."

Have you ever had someone say something belittling to you and noticed it stayed with you and effected how you see yourself and even your choices in life?

Taking things personally can have a huge impact on your life and leave you limiting yourself, knock your confidence and trap you in a sense of self that is much less than who you truly are.

The NPA Process is a simple, quick and effective way to undo the damage and set yourself free... not only of things you've taken personally in the past, but also free to be fully you going forward in a world full of potentially limiting opinions.

The NPA Process is simple for sure but there's definitely a skill to it and I see people make the same mistakes with it over and over, which means they never get the full benefit of the opportunity it brings into their lives.

NPA is like the most amazing car and you want it because you know it can take you where you want to go in your life... out of the ghetto of your blocks, pain and lack and in to the Beverley Hills of your own brilliance.

So I gladly give you the car (it's free on my website), and things about it may look familiar to you. You can probably get it moving... but this is no ordinary car... it has a different power source... some of the fundamental controls operate differently to the cars you've driven before... And there are features and driving modes in this car that you've probably never heard of, let alone know how to use!

So, as I said, I gladly give you the car... but I'd love you to get full use of all its features! Because I want you to get to where you want to go in all the swift, magical and effortless ways it can take you there! And that requires training...

The NPA Process: Basic Training is more like your driving lessons. It's our core training, so when you complete the course you'll really have a feel for the vehicle and can definitely get around with confidence (and of course in comfort and style). The Beverley Hills of your brilliance.... here you come!

I really believe, if you want to get where you say you want to go... if you want to be who you want and need to be, to get there... then The NPA Process: Basic Training is an essential investment.


If you've found your way here, that means you're know someone well connected in the NPA World who would clearly love to encourage you to experience the benefit of going deeper with NPA. The programme is live on my site at it's normal price of £197, so you're behind the secret door here ;)

So if it resonates for you, go ahead and click the green button below, and I'll see you on the other side.

Joel x


This course is live on my site at it's normal price of £197, but here, today, you can gain access for just £147 (that's more than 25% off)


50% Complete

Two Step

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