$9,888.00 USD

HDBIS 6 month Pay in Full $9888


What you'll get:

- 10 individual calls with Leann

-6 group Calls/Month

- Licensed software to build your Monopole Offer coaching, courses or consulting

-Marketing tools for your growth

-Business Strategy using YOUR energetics

-Direct 1:1 Email or Telegram voice and chat access (24 response time)

-Immediate access to Human Design Self Study (Your Unique Genetic Expression is your guide)



***Accurate Birth Data is key to the alignment process and a correct Human Design Chart

What People Are Saying:

Phew. What a relief to stop looking for all the things to keep my business afloat. I took so many courses before I found the HDBIS program and every course was the same old, same old. I just about scraped my entire business and was sending out resumes. But my authority lead me to Leann and I have structured my business and aligned my offers to my design with such ease. I had played with HD for 3 years but this level of knowledge and working with an embodied mentor was the step I needed stop looking outwards for the answers.


I was holding onto so much perfectionism and old habits before I met Leann and worked with her. My business was becoming a burden. And now, I have the freedom to spend time with my family and attend the retreats I have always wanted to. My renewed love for my business is reflected in the soul aligned clients I am working with now.
