Find YOUR People Faster and Create Your Profitable Course Launch

Without Wasting Money, Selling Your Soul on Social Media or Hiring an Army of Geeks

Get in quick! The doors close in...









If you’re an online course creator, membership owner, coach, or consultant who wants to:

- create an even bigger impact
- generate more income
- and create more freedom in your business,

then you probably already know that the fastest way to get there is by using Facebook™ and Instagram™ ads with a smart online launch strategy.

And because you’ve been at this for a while, you’re soooooo ready to stake your claim in this $137 Billion dollar industry that is growing faster than ever thanks to COVID19.

You know that the best way to create more freedom and help more people live their best lives is through building an audience of people who want what you sell. 

You’re already on board with the idea that the strength of your audience is determined by your email list and you’re ready to make it happen so you can get to the money sooner.

You know that launching an online course or membership is the easiest way to stop trading time for money, get off the 1:1 rollercoaster, quit your day job and start scaling your business to match your dreams.

Here's what you might not know.

Even if you’re lucky enough to have a thriving social media presence, regular income from your done-for-you services, and a booked out calendar of 1:1 clients, building your audience can:

  • Increase engagement on your social media and weekly content

    You work your tail off to create good podcast episodes, video blogs and to create the perfect Instagram™ Stories every week. When you have a large email list you can send that content to you are generously rewarded with lots of engagement and you’ll see your tribe grow every day on all the platforms you show up on. Talk about spiral effect!

  • Position you as a key authority within your industry.

    If you have a strong list packed with keen subscribers, you can demonstrate that you’re exceptional at creating audiences and that people are interested in what you have to say. A list of committed and raving fans means more speaking engagements, book deals, highly valuable collaborations and national press opportunities.

  • Give you a highly valuable asset that you 100% own.

    When we build up followings on social media, we are building audiences on someone else’s platform. Risky business, right? Building up your very own email list means that you’ve invested into creating an asset that is 100% yours, which means you don’t have to keep worrying about the ever-changing algorithm.

  • Get you to a successful course launch faster.

    You’ve got some amazing knowledge to share with the world, but maybe you’re not sure how to get it in front of the right people. Implementing a reliable audience building strategy means taking the guesswork out of your course launch and getting you to your launch date sooner!

  • Boost your JV and affiliate income.

    By building up a list of people who trust you, you transform yourself into a highly valuable affiliate partner. Cheers to diverse income streams!

Even though the reasons to build a large audience and create profitable course launches are a complete no brainer, the process involved in learning Facebook™ and Instagram™ ads is anything but.

Start using ads to find more people who will buy your courses sooner?Awesome. But where the heck do I start?

Perhaps in your most courageous moments, you’ve tried using ads.

You’ve boosted posts and were left feeling like you didn’t have anything to show for your money.

You’ve taken courses, but still couldn’t really figure out how everything fits together. And your Ads Manager didn’t even look like the one in the training!

Even when you did manage to get your ads up, you had no idea how to tell if your results were even good or not. Not to mention how confusing it was to then try to improve your results because no one gave you the guidance to know if you’re doing it right.

Maybe you’ve even gone so far as to hire an ads manager in the hope that paying someone else to send you more people will be the answer to why you’re still not selling more. Perhaps you ended up feeling like they were just throwing spaghetti on the wall and costing you even more money without actually making any progress.

Here’s why most online business owners abandon Facebook™ and Instagram™ ads.

Without a super clear roadmap to success and someone helping them implement as they grow, most online business owners become anxious, upset and frustrated as they watch the money flow out of their credit card with no promise to return. 

They feel like Facebook™ ad success is reserved for those who are already selling profitable courses or have tens of thousands of followers on social media.

They fall victim to tech geeks who make big promises of delivering a return and end up feeling like they are missing a giant piece of the puzzle when their ad results do not match their income dreams.

Here’s why this is irreversibly crippling.

You’ve done the hard work. You’ve put in the time. You’ve purchased more online courses than you care to admit and you’ve poured endless amounts of money into getting your business off the ground. 

At this point, you literally cannot afford to throw more money into Facebook™ ads that do not result in a tangible outcome (aka moola in the bank). You need a profitable strategy that will work with your budget.

Hustling on social media may have seemed like a good option once but bowing down to the social media gods hoping they will reward you with one or two new followers now and then is exhausting and between serving your clients or working your day job, who has time for that anyway?! You need an audience of people who want what you have to offer, and you want that audience FAST!

And that fancy Facebook™ ads unicorn you hired? Yeah, they turned out to be a dressed up donkey who made all the big promises and then left three months later, leaving you with nothing to show for the money you invested and ready to give up. You need someone to help you connect the dots between what you sell and how to sell it to a crowd of people who are hungry to buy!

The 4 Reasons Most Online Business Owners Fail at Creating Profitable Facebook™ and Instagram™ Ads (and how to guarantee you don’t!)

They listen to people who only teach strategies that worked in 2017.

Most people who teach Facebook™ and Instagram™ ads 

a) are not working inside multiple ad accounts on a daily basis, 

b) haven't run their own ads in years,  

c) or started building their audience and launching their courses when it was easy and have no idea of the challenges new online business owners face because they already have engaged audiences and large budgets. 

What worked in 2017 will not work in 2020, and what works for people with established audiences will not work for someone starting out today.

They believe that they need a huge ad spend for their investment to be worth it.

You hear people talk about how much they spent on a launch and your jaw drops. Who on this planet has that kind of money to spend on Facebook™ ads?!

Or maybe you’ve tried running budget-appropriate ads before and you didn’t see any results, so you’re reluctant to give Facebook™ even more money without the promise of a return.

You need a clear plan that will get you maximum results for the budget you have right now, without sacrificing your mortgage repayments or your kids’ tuition to the elusive Facebook™ gods.

They believe that they need a huge social media following before they can start creating successful ads.

Let’s be clear: Size doesn’t matter. (Audience size, that is!)

What matters is how engaged your audience is. If you’re starting out with few likes and you’re only relying on organic social media to build your audience, it’s going to feel like an uphill battle. After all, how do you get people to engage if you’re not even in front of them?

You need a clear, measurable plan to build engagement and grow your following.

They give Facebook™ their money without a clear plan for how to measure their success and for how to tweak their ads to make sure they reach their goals.

In moments of courage, you’ve tried running ads - and you’ve even set them up correctly. Go you!

But then the time came to understand your results or to make changes to improve your results, and you felt totally left in the dark.

Facebook™ ad results are different for everybody. Without the right support and guidance, you’ll never know what worked, what didn’t work, and how to improve your results without wasting your money.

Running one or two ads? Easy peasy. Heck, you can find about a million videos on YouTube showing you how to set up an ad. 

Strategically using Facebook™ and Instagram™ ads with a clear plan of how you’re going to build your audience and launch your profitable online course? A whole different ball game.

Even though setting up Facebook™ and Instagram™ ads seems relatively straightforward, most course creators end up losing money over and over (or quitting all together) because they’re following outdated methods that only worked back in 2017 and they never got any REAL support to help them implement what they learned. 

The key ingredient to dependable launching success is having a foolproof plan for how you’re going to use the power of engagement to build your audience coupled with a crystal clear strategy and personalised support as you grow your business using Facebook™ and Instagram™s ads.

No big budget, social media following, or tech degree required.

"Not only is Salome incredibly skilled in paid advertising, but she also has a huge heart. That is why she has been such a huge support to my community."


"Salome's been one of my best students and I feel so proud of what she has created. I know that she gets results and that she deeply cares about all of her clients. Her knowledge of Facebook ads is second-to-none and she's doing amazing work with online course creators. I'll recommend her and her team in a heartbeat."


Find YOUR People Online and Shorten The Runway To A Profitable Course Launch With Facebook™ and Instagram™ Ads 
without wasting money, selling your soul on social media, or hiring an army of geeks.

I’ve taken everything I’ve learned from running ads for high 6 and 7 figure clients, managing the ads strategy for over 40 online course launches in the past 3 years (some of which were multi 7 figure launches) and upgraded it with my own experience building my audience and launching my courses from scratch.

The Launch Lounge is where you get the support you need to connect the dots between ads, marketing, and selling your course or program.

You’ll learn the strategies that work now with step-by-step implementation and you’ll get the support you actually need to succeed with Facebook™ and Instagram™ ads so you can build up an engaged audience of people who are ready to buy when you say “Doors are open."

The Launch Lounge is more than just a membership program. It’s a community where you will learn exactly what you need to know and have the opportunity to ask unique questions so that you always know the next right move. This kind of deep support is what you need to unlock predictable and measurable results every step of the way. Hit a wall? We’ll help you over it in no time.

The end result: A profitable audience and a crowd of engaged followers ready to buy from you over and over again.

The Launch Lounge is the ONLY membership of its kind that:

1. Teaches you how to run the right ads in the right SEQUENCE with the budget you have today to get you to successful launches faster.

No quick fix “how to” videos. We give you a 5-phase system to start building your audience, creating massive engagement, and launch successful courses faster. No more wasting money trying to piece things together that don’t work.

2. Focuses on how to hit the key BENCHMARKS that matter at every phase of your audience building process so that you never waste money on ads again. 

You want to know if you got a good return for the money you spent on your ads. You’ll get a system with measurable milestones and benchmarks to hit at every phase so that you know you’re getting the best return for your money. This is the only system that works with the Facebook™ algorithm to get you results that are measurable with the budget you have today

3. Shows you the precise steps to get more EXPOSURE so that you get your message in front of more people every day without slaving away on social media. 

Here’s the perfect recipe for a successful online business: Start with as little as $5 a day. Build up your audience. Add massive value, and create your community of raving fans fast. Then start planning your successful launch.

4. Running webinar ads? Or launching with a video series or challenge? We’ve got you covered.

You’ll get all the strategies, the templates and the feedback you need to know so that your launch is hitting all the right conversion points so you KNOW you’ll make money and you can scale what worked well. 

Are you ready to finally reach more raving fans and create a profitable online business without wasting your time and money, selling your soul on social media, or hiring a tech guru?

Here’s how we’ll get you there.

Here’s how you get the support you need to impact millions!

The Training

Get instant access to 3 Facebook™ and Instagram™ ads training modules to match the level you’re at and get results with your current budget.


Building Your Lucrative Audience and Email List

  • Learn to use ads to find your people without losing money
  • Discover the secret to “hacking” the algorithm so that you can start to grow your social media following and convert your followers into leads
  • Get all the tech figured out and feel confident even when Facebook™ makes changes to the Ads Manager
  • Use the “Benchmarks For Success” to know if you should start small and when you have the green light to go all in and scale without wasting money
  • The Facebook™ Live Formula for getting and staying in front of your audience without wasting time going live to no-one

Value: $497


Mastering Marketing and Building Profitable Funnels

  • Discover how to create marketing systems that convert and turn your ad spend into a predictable, profitable business system that delivers every time
  • Connect the dots between ads and making money online and finally understand what the “gap” in your business is and how to fix it
  • Learn to use “The Golden Thread” and speak to your audience in a way that lights them up and has them ready to buy from you every time you make an offer
  • Finally understand why that Facebook™ ads manager you hired was set up to fail from the start and how to feel confident knowing your next ads manager will succeed

Value: $497


Profitably Launch Your Online Course With Facebook™ and Instagram™

  • Learn the 5 phases of ads that lead to predictable results in your next online course launch
  • Discover the right sequence in which to run your ads to maximise profit and increase conversions every time
  • Confidently fill your webinars, video series, challenge or live video launches with scores of people who are ready to buy when you say “Doors are open”
  • Triple your conversion rates during your launch period with launch ads that increase sales
  • Learn to use effective retargeting strategies that bring people back and increase your conversions
  • Use “Data Stories” to track the numbers that matter and know exactly where to focus your efforts next time to start scaling your business to match your dreams

Value: $2997

Ongoing Support

Finally get ALL the support you need to create your profitable online business so you can quit your job, get off the one-one client roller coaster and start impacting millions while you increase your income and your freedom.

WEEKLY SUPPORT CALLS: Get on a call with me and my team of Facebook™ ads and marketing experts to get feedback on your results, bounce ideas for your next launch, or brainstorm ways to improve your copy. Choose from tech support calls, launch strategy calls or Facebook™ ads set up and evaluation calls or join a landing page design or copywriting call. All calls are recorded and added in the member’s area in Kajabi with searchable video transcriptions and audio options to listen to the recordings on the go.

VALUE $997

Meet Your Support Team

Shine & Succeed CEO

I’ve been in your shoes and I’ve had a front row seat to over 40 live online course launches as an ads manager and as an agency owner. I’ve seen it all and I know how to help you successfully build your audience and launch your online course with
Facebook™ and Instagram™ ads. 

The Facebook™
Ads Guru
Caroline is the Chief Ads Manager at the Shine and Succeed Agency and will support you to get your ads up faster and feel confident using the Ads Manager.

The Data and Tech Magician

Stuck creating a custom conversion? Webinar software not playing nice? There’s not a tech issue Hana cannot solve! And while she does that she’s whipping up a spreadsheet to track all the data that matters and create calculators that allow you to get more predictable results. 

Copy, Design and Page Building Queen

Need help understanding why your landing page is not converting? Want the best advice on creating ad copy that converts? Ash has got your back!

Monthly Workshops

Monthly Workshops to get you focused and get you a quick win. Let’s get your webinar created together in a workshop or get help creating your lead magnet or let’s all learn to build our lists with Facebook™ live.so many things we can workshop each month and I’ll bring in some of my friends to help move you forward faster. 

VALUE: $97 each month

The Community

Join us inside The Launch Lounge Facebook™ group where you get the support and from other online entrepreneurs creating their online business. Make friends for life and build lasting relationships with likeminded people and never again feel alone building a business from behind your computer - especially in times where isolation can have crippling effects on your results.

Get community support and accountability and the emotional support you need to feel confident and resilient as you overcome your fears and bravely build your business.

VALUE: $997 per year

Our No Risk Success Guarantee

The Launch Lounge is the most supportive implementation membership for online business owners who are ready to make an even bigger impact, grow lucrative audiences, and build businesses that provide them with income and freedom that matches their dreams.

This membership is built on years of experience in both online advertising and online marketing to bring you the precise steps you need to take to get Facebook™ and Instagram™ ads working for you so you can successfully launch, grow, and scale your online business. I know you’re ready to dive in deep. I know you’re itching to launch a successful course, and I know that you know a strong audience is the most reliable way there.

After 30 days, you’ll have had the opportunity to put The Launch Lounge to the test. You’ll have witnessed the power behind the training. You’ll have had the opportunity to join multiple calls. You’ll already be getting your very first surge of subscribers. (And boy, does that feel good.) If within 30 days you find that these tools aren’t working for you, simply send us an email and we’ll refund your money back. Terms Apply. Full details here >

Become a member of The Launch Lounge today and get:

The ENTIRE Core Training Program including all 3 courses ($3,997 value)

You’ll get access to all 3 programs, every live Q&A call, and the 1:1 support you need to start building your audience and launching your online courses with Facebook™ and Instagram™ ads FAST. 


  • 1:1 Emergency Support Calls

Book a call with your support team to get the help you need without waiting for the next group call. Need urgent tech help? Book a call. Need urgent feedback on your results so you know what to do next? Book a call. Need urgent help with your launch? Book a call. Book a 1:1 20 Minute call once a month to get you results fast.


  • Calculators and Trackers - Benchmarks, Budgets and Geek Speak 

All the support tools you’ve always wished someone would create so that you can finally understand what we are talking about and how to keep track of your numbers. 


  • Fill In The Blanks Facebook™ and Instagram™ Copy Templates

Stuck for copy inspiration? Use our fill in the blanks copy templates to get your high converting copy created without breaking a sweat.



Pay Monthly

*Prices are in US Dollar. Pay monthly. Cancel any time.

Monthly Payments of $197

Access to The Launch Lounge Membership

Complete Core Training

- Building Your Lucrative Audience and Email List

- Mastering Marketing and Building Profitable Funnels

- Profitably Launch Your Online Course With Facebook™ and Instagram™

Live Q&A Support Every Week

1:1 Support Calls Once a Month

Private Members-Only Facebook™ Group

Result Trackers, Calculators, Benchmarks and Geek Speak Translations



Pay Annually

Get 2 Months FREE

*Prices are in US Dollar. Pay annually and get 2 months free.

1 Annual Payment of $1970

Save $394

Access to The Launch Lounge Membership

Complete Core Training


- Building Your Lucrative Audience and Email List

- Mastering Marketing and Building Profitable Funnels

- Profitably Launch Your Online Course With Facebook™ and Instagram™

Live Q&A Support Every Week

1:1 Support Calls Once a Month

Private Members-Only Facebook™ Group

Result Trackers, Calculators, Benchmarks and Geek Speak Translations


Free 90 Minute Live Workshop with Salome: How To Launch and Start Making A Profit In the Next 90 Days


Here's what current members of The Launch Lounge are saying:

Frequently Asked Questions

Questions our top students asked before enrolling in The Launch Lounge Membership.

If you’re crystal clear on your niche, message, and you’re creating content that connects with your audience, you’re in the perfect place to start achieving success with Facebook™ and Instagram™ ads. If you’re still working through what your niche is or you’re not yet sure how you’ll support your audience, it’s not the right time for you to start just yet.

Don’t have a lead magnet yet? No online course you can launch yet? No problem. If you believe that you have the right niche and you have a market that is ready to hear from you and you think you can get started with sharing consistent content with your audience, then you can get started with ads right away. If you don’t have a clearly defined niche and message, it might not be the membership for you just yet. I’d recommend spending more time nailing your niche and messaging, and then come and join us!

Good on you! Organic social media can be a great way to start reaching your target demographic. However, if you’re serious about fast tracking your momentum and making it measurable, then a clear ads strategy is definitely the way to go.

Here at Shine and Succeed, we know our stuff. We’ve built MASSIVE audiences for big clients, and we’ve also developed the exact strategy for scaling to your very first 1000 people based on what worked for us starting from 0. This program is based on what works for those who may not have much social media engagement and are just starting to scale.

If you want to grow your audience and build a successful online business fast, we’re very confident that this is the membership for you. In fact, we’re so confident it’ll work that we’re pleased to offer a 30 day money back guarantee. Once you experience how powerful these strategies are, you’ll hold onto this content like your very own ads bible.

This program is designed for anyone selling their own information. If you’re a coach then building an audience and an email list will set you up for success for when you’re ready to  dive into course creation if you choose to. If you sell a physical product this is probably not the right membership for you as our support is 100% focused on getting more students to buy your online courses.

Every Q&A call is recorded live, so you can still get your questions answered by leaving them with us and then catching up with the recordings later on to get your solution.

As long as you’re a paying member in good standing, you will have access to the membership training content, the calls, and community for the life of the membership.

You’ll have support directly from me (Salome) in the form of 2 live Q&As per week. Ask me anything, I’ll be happy to help! My team is pretty awesome too and there will be plenty of opportunity for you to get to know them and get direct help from them.

Yes. We offer a 30 day no-questions-asked money back guarantee for anyone who has found that these principles don’t work for them after implementation. You have 30 days from joining the membership to check everything out, jump on calls and work through the training. If it’s not right for you then send us an email and we’ll refund your first month’s fee. Find out more here >

We don't know yet! If you're ready to transform your marketing strategy, join us today so you don't miss out on your chance to launch and scale with confidence.

Pay Monthly

*Prices are in US Dollar. Pay monthly. Cancel any time.

Monthly Payments of $197

Access to The Launch Lounge Membership

Complete Core Training

- Building Your Lucrative Audience and Email List

- Mastering Marketing and Building Profitable Funnels

- Profitably Launch Your Online Course With Facebook™ and Instagram™

Live Q&A Support Every Week

1:1 Support Calls Once a Month

Private Members-Only Facebook™ Group

Result Trackers, Calculators, Benchmarks and Geek Speak Translations



Pay Annually

Get 2 Months FREE

*Prices are in US Dollar. Pay annually and get 2 months free.

1 Annual Payment of $1970

Save $394

Access to The Launch Lounge Membership

Complete Core Training 


- Building Your Lucrative Audience and Email List

- Mastering Marketing and Building Profitable Funnels

- Profitably Launch Your Online Course With Facebook™ and Instagram™

Live Q&A Support Every Week

1:1 Support Calls Once a Month

Private Members-Only Facebook™ Group

Result Trackers, Calculators, Benchmarks and Geek Speak Translations


Free 90 Minute live workshop with Salome: How To Launch and Start Making A Profit In the Next 90 Days


The Launch Lounge is PERFECT for you if...

  1. You’re just getting started building your online audience, and you want to make sure you get it right the first time by implementing powerful, simple strategies that will start working for you immediately.
  2. You’ve been struggling to reach your ideal customer for a while, but you’re ready to board the express audience builder train and fix the problem once and for all.
  3. You already know EXACTLY how you’re going to provide incredible value to your chosen niche, and you’re feeling confident enough to finally put yourself right in front of them and get closer to launching your course.
  4. You’re willing to put in time and energy if it means learning the exact tried and true principles you need to succeed in building your audience online.
  5. In fact, you’re ALREADY actively investing a few hours each week into building your audience so you can launch your course sooner. You’re delivering amazing value and showing up to provide support, and you’re ready to tie it all together with some serious strategy.
  6. You care about what will work for you right now in 2020 with the budget you have on hand, and you’ve figured out that other courses don’t quite cover this. You get a bit skeptical when people promise instant results without hard work, because you know that good things take effort, time, and firm foundations.
  7. You know what lies on the other side of building your audience online, and you’re ready to embrace the next level. You’re aware of the endless opportunities that await you once you’ve successfully built your profile and positioned yourself as an industry leader. You’re ready to show up in the public eye and to say a big YES to valuable partnerships, collaborations, events, and upcoming product launches.
  8. You’re excited to start implementing ads ASAP and learn how to get a return on your investment, even with only $5 a day. Even if you’ve spent a lot of time believing you need a huge organic audience or ads budget to start successfully growing your audience, you now understand that there’s a better way and you’re ready to get started immediately.
  9. You feel confident diving right in knowing that you have 30 days to put The Launch Lounge to the test. You’re ready to commit the time and energy needed to truly test drive these powerful strategies, and you’re excited to learn the secrets for measurable and scalable success.
  10. You’re counting the days until you can hire someone to run ads for you. And until then you’re committed to building your working knowledge of what works for you and your business so that you can know that your ads manager is hitting all the right audiences and doing what it takes to create successful campaigns that convert.

If you caught yourself nodding your head to at least 6 of the above, I can’t wait to meet you inside of The Launch Lounge!


50% Complete

Two Step

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