What if I told you that practicing yoga outside the water will help you perform better in the water?

Get Unlimited Access to Yoga Classes Designed for SWIMMERS

As Seen In

Unlock the secrets to your swimming success with yoga... without paying for expensive classes!

Brent Hayden

World Champion and

Olympic Bronze Medallist


"Yoga played a major role in helping me win my Olympic Bronze Medal in London 2012. As a swimmer who was prone to chronic back spasms, I needed a solution if I was going to make it to my 3rd games.


I began doing yoga once a week, and I noticed significant increase in flexibility, range of motion, as well as core strength and stability. I even got some height back after my spine became compressed from so many spasms.


When it comes to swimmers, Jeff's approach to yoga is on point. He works directly with our team and I cannot stress enough how beneficial his Swimming-Specific Yoga program is for any swimmer who is looking to maximize their potential."

Swimming is demanding.

Long-lasting participation in the sport requires strength, mobility and endurance.

But you knew that when you started… and it you didn’t let it stop you.

Let’s make sure your body doesn’t stop you, either.

What if you could

Increase your mobility

Improve your core strength

Prevent Injury

all in a way that is designed to improve your swimming performance?

At your own convenience, anytime, any where?

Now You Can! Join Today!

We’ve Completely Customized Our Yoga Program for Swimmers and Multi-Sport Athletes

Here is How it Works

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For a Monthly Membership or request a Personalized or Team Plan

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You can access our membership page online or download our App to any Android or Apple device.

Choose a Class

With 100+ classes to choose from, you can select a session that meets your unique needs at any given time. Classes range in length, focus, and experience level for a comprehensive training experience.

Get Unlimited Access to Yoga Classes Designed for SWIMMERS

Why do yoga with us?

I have spent over half of my life coaching swimmers and multi-sport athletes. After searching for a more effective way to train on dry land I began implementing yoga into athletes programs.

The benefits I saw them experience both physically and mentally were powerful. I knew if the practices were designed specifically for swimmers we would see even better results.

That was a huge factor of why I became a yoga teacher. Now after designing swimming-specific practices for the better part of the last decade I want to share them with you.

I want these practices to be a way to not only enable you to improve your performance, but to increase your wellness and keep you in the water for many years to come.

Find out what

your fellow swimmers think

Amanda Heath

British and European

Masters Record Holder

"I love Jeff's style and really like the way he explains the poses and their application to swimming."


Raben Dommann

Canadian National Team
5 km Open Water


“Jeff is very knowledgeable in the practice of yoga and how it connects to the sport of swimming, and has helped me so much over the years.

By combining the art of yoga with the specificities of the sport of swimming, I have been able to improve my swimming specific strength and flexibility, which has allowed me to progress myself in the pool.

The way that he is able to allow me to disconnect myself from all the distractions around me, while finding a deeper connection with my body and mind, has made his class an amazing experience for me as an athlete.”


Nick Szucs

Masters World Championships Qualifier


"As an aging competitive masters swimmer, both flexibility and core strength have become of increasing importance in my dryland training regimen. Unfortunately, like many time constrained adults, conventional "stretching" often ends up on the backburner (it's boring). Enter Jeff -  he has created a focused program to target my swimming specific needs as a sprinter and has effectively improve my mobility in the pool."

I highly recommend Jeff's program for anyone trying to maximize training efficiency while keeping it interesting."

Barbara Halls

English Masters National Champion


"As a masters competitive swimmer in the UK I have always known that yoga for swimmers is highly recommended, but I never seemed to be able to find the time previously to fit it in.

I am enjoying having developed a yoga practice and that is all thanks to Jeff. I am used to fast paced activities but I’m enjoying the control and concentration yoga requires."

Marilyn Chychota

Marilyn Chychota Coaching
Professional Athlete 2003-2012
Ironman Champion


"I reached out to Jeff for his expertise in yoga specifically for endurance athletes.

Athletes are busy people. Most athletes time is filled to the minute with busy jobs, families and demanding training schedules. Although endurance athletes know a good mobility and yoga routine would help them improve performance and recovery, they often don’t have the time for a class.

In addition, most classes are not specific for endurance athletes. It can be tricky to incorporate yoga correctly for the specific needs and limitations of an endurance athlete.

Jeff’s program broke these barriers. Being a top level swimmer and triathlete for over 20 years he can design specific routines that address all these needs. Jeff brings knowledge and experience to blend good yoga into your program. No more wasted time doing posses that don’t benefit you, or time wasted driving to classes the aren’t specific to your performance needs.

Thanks Jeff for helping my team have better recovery, mobility and performance benefits from incorporating yoga into their program."

Get Unlimited Access to Yoga Classes Designed for SWIMMERS

Frequently Asked Questions

Mel Stewart

1992 Olympic Gold Medalist


"Since retiring from competitive swimming, yoga has been my go-to workout to stay fit, and Jeff Grace has been my go-to yoga teacher and expert.

Jeff's depth of knowledge enables me to dive deeper into my practice, stay balanced and remember to leave it all on the mat."


Now is the Time to Make Your Move.


...and set yourself up for continued success.

Swimming-Specific Yoga Membership

  • Full access to our Swimming-Specific Yoga class library
  • Over 100 classes ranging from 10-45 minutes with one new class being added each week
  • Membership in the Swimming-Specific Yoga Community
  • Email Support
  • 7 day trial on all memberships

Cancel in your account settings anytime before the 7 day trial period is over and you will not be charged. Thereafter, your subscription will automatically renew until cancelled.