Bring some spirit to Halloween this year!

Halloween is going to look a little different this year. Time to spark some spooky excitement for your kids and join our first-ever virtual Kids Baking Championship - Halloween Edition! 

3 rounds of creepy competition spread across 3 weeks to encourage creativity in your child and give them some after school or weekend joy.  You'll even compete against other kids for prizes.

🎃 We're in! 🎃


From using ingredients creatively to designing a spooky Halloween dessert, kids will be given a  new baking challenge each week to complete at home.  You will have the entire week to complete the challenge to fit your own family's schedule.  


What baking competition would be complete without PRIZES?!  The grand prize will be awarded based on uniqueness, creativity, and overall fun.  If there are enough competitors, kids will also be split into different age groups before judging.


Nothing like some haunted Halloween spirits to raise the spirits of your child during this crazy time!  This competition will bring priceless smiles, laughter, and incredible joy back to your child and your family! ❤️


We can't wait to see what your family creates! Join the competition today!

Sign us up for the competition!

"Megan - thank you so much for putting this together. Our kids had a great time together coming up with ideas and creating for the rounds. We are so appreciative of the time you put into this. "

Lauren M.

"...And honestly it doesn't matter who "wins" I think us parents did. I loved the 1:1 time with my son!"

Jessica A.

"Thank you Megan! It’s making me really happy that she’s not even getting hung up in winning or losing just having so much fun and doing her best job. I really appreciate all the support and it really touches her so much when you give her a shout out! Her enthusiasm lights me up as well and makes all of the daily kitchen cleanings worth it in the end! I hope we get to meet someday soon too!"

Leisa K.

We are here to make memories!

We have brought thousands of families together in the kitchen through our kids baking experiences at The Kennett Kitchen here in Kennett Square, PA over the past 4 years. 

But now we want to spread our passion and impact even more families, whether near or far. That is why we're bringing this competition to YOUR kitchen!  I'll meet you there!  ❤️

When do we start?!

Frequently Asked Questions

Nope!  The challenge will be posted each Monday and you will have an entire week to complete it.  You can do it whenever works best for your schedule - whether it's something to occupy your kids in between virtual classes, an after-school activity, or a weekend event!

This is a completely virtual challenge. No physical supplies are mailed to you. 

As far as ingredients, you will need typical baking ingredients such as flour, sugar, etc, but you can be completely creative when it comes to the ingredients you use for each challenge. You do not necessarily need to buy anything special - in fact, I highly encourage you to DIY it all from whatever you have on hand at home.

The first challenge will be given Monday October 12th - but don't worry!  It's not to late to join.  You have all week to submit your challenge so you still have plenty of time. 

The second and third rounds will begin on October 19th and 26th.

All active Family Bake Dates members will receive free registration for this competition.  We will automatically add it to your members area for you - it may already even be there. 

Curious about joining our membership to get into the Baking Championship for free?  Learn more here.  

That's what is so great about this competition - It's suited for ALL ages of kids!  

We have had kids as young as 3 and as old as 16 participate in our competitions and they all love it.  

Younger kids will need more assistance and it is more a family activity to do together.  Whereas older kids can often complete the challenges by themselves with only a little adult supervision.  

Either way, it's INCREDIBLE to see how creative kids of any age get, and more importantly, the overwhelming sense of pride and accomplishment they feel after creating something of their own in the kitchen.  

Great question!  You only need to register your family once even if you have multiple children. 

So for only $27, which is FAR less than the cost of taking your family to a movie (although who's doing that these days?!), you have a fun family activity that lasts for weeks. 

Each child can submit their own creations or your kids can work together on one family creation.




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