Teach your kids how to start a business in 2 weeks! 

Schools totally failed us by not offering this to us as kids. 

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Teach your kids how to start a business in 2 weeks! 

Schools totally failed us by not offering this to us as kids. 

We won't send spam. Unsubscribe at any time.

Learn How We Built Our Kidpreneur Family!

A successful system that helps parents teach their kids the skills needed to become successful entrepreneurs, even if they have no time!



Inside you will find the systems, support and mindset shifts to launch your family business!


What you will be able to discover inside:


👉 Full course with in-depth video trainings - including templates and strategies proven to work.


👉 24/7 exclusive, private community - learn alongside others and have a resource when you get stuck on the journey.


👉 6 months of Weekly group training sessions - build relationships and network opportunities with other Kidprenuer families.

Learn how to build a kidpreneur family!