Heal yourself from chronic illness and reawaken your joyful, energetic self by using the simple, easy to learn practice that’s been helping millions of people for 1000s of years…

Enroll in our Qigong for Beginners online training program and immediately begin improving your health, healing your mind, and experiencing life to its fullest.


Wisdom Healing Qigong is an ancient technology of energy healing, with effective positive outcomes that are acknowledged by modern medical science.


Multiple studies from major universities prove that when you consistently practice holistic mind-body therapy like Qigong for Beginners (for just moments a day!), you can improve symptoms related to:

  • Neurological conditions and brain disorders

  • Autoimmune illness

  • Cancer

  • Chronic pain and fatigue

  • Depression and anxiety

  • And...you can influence gene expression, improve mental clarity, and enhance your overall state of health.


Why does Qigong work to heal the body – both by itself and as a complement to conventional medicine?

Qigong works with the totality of the living universe to tap into the formless energy resources, bringing it back to the physical world and enhancing and transforming the physical. In doing so, healing of body and awakening of the consciousness can be realized fully.

Qigong’s cosmology is aligned with ancient Taoist and Buddhist philosophy that is validated and rediscovered by today’s latest science.

In contrast to the Western medical perspective on healing, which is: Can my body heal itself? (the body as a machine)...

The Qigong perspective is: Can my mind and body heal together?


Are you ready to reach your true capacity for self-healing and have a better quality of life – by practicing Qigong for just minutes a day?



"Mingtong is truly a master teacher on so many levels, and I feel blessed to have discovered him and the Chi Center. I can't help myself but fall more and more deeply in love with the practices and energy of the Wisdom Healing Chi field. I am healing and transforming, no question. From the depths of my heart-mind, I thank you Mingtong and the beautiful staff and all the practitioners contributing to the Field of which I am so grateful to be a part."

Zayne Marston

"Master Mingtong is joyful, wise, and inspiring. He has a profound understanding of energy and healing, and a unique yet simple way of transmitting his knowledge to his students. I am forever grateful to my friend who introduced me to him."

Joanna Rebelgale

"Mingtong has taken his knowledge to America and now the West through the internet – and I am soooo grateful. He has translated all information thoroughly in a simple format for people to understand. Personally, I have found this course fantastic, not only for people wanting to heal, but for teachers and healers wanting to show people the incredible secrets of the universe. Wonderful work from a Master of Masters who walks his walk – you cannot shortcut this – you have to practice to the get the benefits and they are infinite!"

Natalie Crabtree

"Mingtong is a master like no one else. Unless you go to China, you won't find a more wonderful teacher of Qigong. Plus, he knows how to bring his teachings to your living room to make it easy and affordable."

Colleen Rutledge

"Since beginning courses in wisdom healing Qigong, my health has improved. I'm much happier and enjoying life more, and I thought of myself as happy and health to begin with!"

Liz Elms

"Master Mingtong Gu, an internationally recognized Qigong teacher and healer, is absolutely awesome, powerful, compassionate, and has mastered the energy of the elements. I had an opportunity to work with him in my Sound Voice Music and Healing program. I cried, laughed, and transformed. After a weekend with him, I decided to take more classes at the Chi Center. Very powerful and compassionate. Beautiful! "

Latonia M. Dixon

"I love Master Mingtong Gu and all the outstanding teachers at The Chi Centers. Their lives are dedicated to helping others realize their potentials to heal and have joy in one's life."

Nancy Fox

"I can't imagine a more powerful, transformative, healing retreat center or a better teacher than Mingtong Gu...anywhere in the world."

Kevin Cassity

94% of Chi Center retreat participants and Qigong for Beginners students improved their wellbeing and distress levels, including depression and anxiety.*

*This data on 100s of students was compiled and scored by an outside research organization.

Discover the healing powers of Qigong through the Qigong for Beginners online course.

Master Mingtong Gu will guide you every step of the way – no matter your age, level of practice, or experience – to ensure you achieve your ultimate healing potential.


Qigong for Beginners is designed for everyone! Anyone can do it simply by following along with the training videos.

Whether you’re a seasoned practitioner or brand new to Qigong, the teachings and practices in this program will help you accelerate your healing journey and experience life to the fullest with more energy and vitality.

Every time you practice Qigong for Beginners, you contribute to our global online community and awaken your capacity to go beyond your own personal limitations. You contribute to the healing of not only yourself, but also the community, the world, and all life on the planet Earth.

And that is the spirit of Qigong.

What would you do to double your health and vitality?

What would you do to double your happiness?

What would you do to double your energy?

Or maybe the better question to ask is, what have you already tried — What have you already done to try to realize those goals, and did it work for you?

Maybe you’ve tried a special diet, or exercise. Maybe you’re already on a drug treatment protocol, or other medical treatments. Maybe you’ve tried a whole collection of different therapies, and some of them may have helped in some way…

...but if you’re not tapping into the power of your mind and power of energy, then you won’t see the full results that you *could* achieve.

What is the reason for your fear of tapping into your true potential?

Do you worry that you don’t have enough time, money or confidence to learn Qigong and to heal yourself?

The truth is, Qigong is not a quick fix, but it IS a life-changing experience and discovery of your true power and potential.

Qigong for Beginners online course will give you the tools to jump start your way to increased energy, more vitality and greater joy...

And YOU can get those results from only a very small investment of money and time.


Discover what Master Mingtong Gu
will teach you by taking a quick look inside the Qigong for Beginners 8-lesson course...

Lesson 1: The Principles and Practice of Qigong

In this lesson you will learn the 5 principles of Wisdom Healing Qigong. You’ll also learn and begin the Heaven and Earth Qigong Movement Energy Practice.

Lesson 2: Haola

In this lesson you’ll first learn the 3 initial steps to healing, and then move on to learn the simple yet highly effective Haola Qigong Sound Healing practice to improve your relaxation and positivity.

Lesson 3: Healing Stress

Stress is one of the main causes of all disease, and in this lesson Master Mingtong shares how to prevent and overcome stress. You’ll also learn the Inner Smile practice  to help your mind, body and emotions heal.


Lesson 4: Spinal Bone Marrow (Part 1)

In this lesson you’ll learn gentle energetic movement to open your physical body, releasing tension and stress. You’ll awaken and connect with the energy inside of you, and increase your capacity to communicate with the deeper dimensions of yourself.  

Lesson 5: Spinal Bone Marrow (Part 2)

In this lesson you’ll build on everything you already learned in Lesson 4, developing a more advanced spinal bone marrow practice that incorporates chanting Haola and the Inner Smile practice.

Lesson 6: Awakening the Energy of the Hips (Part 1)

In this lesson you will learn and practice Hip Rotation, which is beneficial for releasing emotional energy, as well as awakening sexual energy and healing energy in the hips.

Lesson 7: Hip Rotations (Part 2)

This is the second lesson on Hip Rotation, and now you’ll learn to practice your Hip Rotation in a profoundly impactful way that awakens the power of regeneration inside of you.

Lesson 8: Sound Healing & The 5 Organ System

In this lesson you’ll learn how to tap into the energy of mind, body and heart, while going deeper into the energy of the organ system through the practice of sound healing.

PLUS, you'll receive this FREE bonus when you enroll in Qigong for Beginners today... 

Receive Master Mingtong's Ebook "The Healing Process" - FREE!

The Healing Process Ebook is a compilation of teachings from Master Mingtong in retreat at Esalen, California, offering the essential perspective, that is the foundation of the healing so many students have received through Wisdom Healing Qigong.

Listen to these inspiring healing stories from students of Master Mingtong Gu

Real people experiencing real results.

Disclaimer: Please consult your healthcare professional before beginning any wellness program.  This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, or be a substitute for professional medical advice.  


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