Welcome Beautiful

I'm Corrie and I am super excited to invite you to invest in YOURSELF! Activating your 50 trillion electrical cells into pure Abundance and VITALITY! Are you ready?

I'm All IN!

Our Health is Our Wealth

 I have been so deep in the darkness I wanted to drop it all and go hermit. I seriously couldn't get off the couch, and was so deep in my own dirty thoughts that I couldn't think straight. I felt lost, alone and defeated. As a Medical Herbalist of 10yrs I was feeling so confused. Everything I had learnt wasn't adding up and I was feeling worse than ever. I couldn't understand how I had got here AGAIN, after trying so hard to lose weight, eat perfect and still ruthlessly beating myself up. I was down and out and that is where I begged for mercy. 

Then a new way came across my field and as much as it felt like a brutal hit to the solar plexus, it was to be the most intense 18months of my life as I transformed my entire life, from the inside out. 

And that is why I am here. Because I want this for you. I feel amazing, I wake up amazing, I get excited for my day and I get even more excited to serve people ready to take full ownership and show up for themselves. People who are over the heaviness and want to Lighten up! 

I suffered with pain, water retention, severe fatigue, a goitre, excess weight, horrible constipation, depression, hideous anxiety, horrific pms, cystic breast tissue. I am still on a healing journey, however every day feels so much lighter, completely pain free and exciting! 

So what would it feel like...

  • waking with so much excitement and anticipation for your daily adventures? No pain, no suffering, no fear of the inflammation in your body.
  • When your cells are so hydrated you feel younger, lighter and more ready to be in your passion, pleasure and purpose.
  • Having the Strength to complete all that you intend to for the day, because your body works at it's optimal levels and every day feels fruitful.
  • Feeling a deep Wisdom of knowing that you are safe and healthy, and can relax into your lifestyle full of light and abundance.
  • to enjoy your life with happiness, sass and joy!
  • to be a total Quantum Goddess in your full sovereign power as you ignite your innate blueprint of Divinity! 
  • to be in your absolute power so you can change overnight, you just need the tools to activate your DNA and remember your Sovereignty as a cocreator of it all. 
YES I Want to Transform

1:1 Private Health Consult

  • Clarity on your unique body blueprint so that you can access more vital force energy
  • Individualized treatment plan + practitioner grade supplements included to enhance your bodies ability for regeneration. 
  • Deepen your knowledge on your bodies genetic expression to activate cellular metabolism

8x Wisdom Teachings - webinars

  • Lifetime access to never before shared keycodes to true healing. 
  • Foundational ancient wisdom nutrition so that you can access the power of your bodies innate capacity for rejuvenation
  • A complete education system to deepen your knowledge and empower you to take radical self responsibility

Weekly Coaching Sessions + Quantum Healing.

  • Receive powerful tools to become a co-creator of your new body
  • Enhance your ability to become a conscious creator from the comfort of your own home.
  • Step by step formula on the ‘how to’ to create a life of vitality!
Vitality here I come

YOU are a powerful creator! Let's create Vitality together!

Remember - your cells hold the templates to your highest potential. If your lymphatic body is tired, slow, dis-eased and the lymphatic body is the astral body, this course will not only be anchored in deep practicality, but it will also invigorate your soul's desire to be felt, heard, seen. 


Now is your time to BE your ultimate self, to be your VITALITY - you are needed. Let's journey together. 

Book a discovery call here! Let's Chat


You will learn some of the following...


  • How each cell is a Being unto itself and how to speak directly to your DNA for full body healing activation. 
  • How to turn on Antiaging Genes and increase your cellular consciousness so you can flow into your ascension body, and be the light leader for others.
  • How to impact on your subconscious potential to ignite your fire in your belly, and power up your VITALITY!
  • How to initiate a healthy immune response so you can heal faster and reverse old wounds.
  • How to navigate and eliminate pain so you can live a life of pleasure and deliciousness (is that a word, hehe)
  • How to be in full ownership of your health and take radical self responsibility so that you are in your sovereignty
  • The four pillars of health and how to navigate them with Grace.
     - Digestion, Absorption, Utilisation, and Elimination - allowing ease and flow through your body. 
  • What tips and tools I have used to completely transform my life and those of hundreds of clients
  • How to see your vision and call it in - if it is a summer body, or to be pain free, or to be able to do a half marathon - you can have it all! This is the course that will transform it all and set you on the best path for your highest timeline! 



8x Pre-recorded Webinars (1x per week), packed FULL of True Health Wisdom. 

2x 1:1 Health Consults - with daily plan and health report.

8x Weekly Group Coaching sessions.

Accountability Group.

Lifetime Access.


AND IF YOU WANT VIP then you get the added bonus of....

6x 1:1 30min sessions with me. 

Bonus Iridology report - to plan for genetic lymphatic weaknesses.

Monday to Friday voicemail direct contact with me. 

An absolutely high Quantum LEAP!

Set your intention and then let's hit it and more!

 Warning - do not take this if you don’t want to completely upgrade your life.



$1800 nzd

Most Popular

  • 8x Pre-recorded Webinars
    (1x per week). 
  • 2x 1:1 Health Consults - with a daily plan and health report
  • 8x weekly group coaching sessions
  • 1x challenge to choose from - 7x day fruit feast or 7x day juice fast. With full recipes, how to and shopping lists. 
  • Accountability group
  • Lifetime access
  • Total value of $2990


$3000 nzd


Everything in the GOLD Membership plus

  • 8x 1:1 30min Quantum Leap Healing sessions with me or 4x 1:1 1hr sessions. 
  • Bonus Iridology report - to plan for genetic lymphatic weaknesses
  • Monday to Friday voicemail direct contact with me, so you can step into your highest alignment and VITALITY daily!
  • You will be held in my daily healing meditation by your individual energy. 
  • An absolutely high Quantum LEAP!
  • Total value of $4200

Shannon Rose

Working with Corrie in my health journey has completely changed my life.

As a Coach & Healer, my physical & energetic vibrational state is my highest priority and since working with Corrie I have been able to sustain my vibrational state emotionally, physically, spiritually and mentally like never before.

Corrie not only brings a wealth of knowledge & understanding but also deeply integrated energetic support that creates the optimal container for full system transformation.

I highly her program Vitality. If you are ready to transform your life, Jump on this opportunity!

Melissa Barry

I was ready to go on a journey within and join a programme, a programme that was exciting, challenging, life changing, full of ancient knowledge, empowering and would make me accountable for how I show up in life. 


Corrie helped guide me deeper into my knowing, to trust my intuition and to love all the parts of me, right to the core of my being. 


My beliefs and patterns have been brought to light, shared and upgraded, changed, shifted in perspective. 

My vibration had been challenged, observed, and charged up. 

I take up space now and I am not afraid to own that space, speak my truth and have my own back.

Before joining Corrie I felt like I was making progress on my mission/purpose but could only get so far before reaching a block, then repeating the cycle. With the first webinar/transmission of Awaken the Goddess Within the block was lifted. 

I feel so grateful for this powerful, inspiring, knowledgeable container Corrie has created. It was the whole package and more. 


Life really is limitless, there is so much more to explore and expand in when you reach out and work with powerful divine women like Corrie. 

Everything is energy, everything has a vibration. Expand your levels, rise up, you'll be forever grateful you did. 

You have a choice - two paths are ahead. 

BE you and feel your alignment. If you would like to chat, come join me. 

Book Discovery Call HERE