Think and Grow Rich

Applying the principles in order to achieve your goals and dreams.


Starting in June!

Be sure to add TAGR-2019 in the coupon code box

Learn the principles

Over 500 successful business people were interviewed and analyzed for their success habits.  

You will learn those habits of success!

Apply the principles

Through carefully planned exercises, you will build these habits into your life.

You will apply the principles!

See results

As you apply the principles of the book, watch your goals and dreams move from thought to physical reality.

You will have new ways of being!

"My first experience with a TAGR mastermind occurred in my transition out of a 30-year corporate career into opening my own consulting business. THIS study not only impacted my success in my business but also allowed me to finally address the limiting self-beliefs that I carried throughout my career. With eyes wide open and belief in myself—for the first time in my life—I made a successful transition. I have participated in TAGR masterminds two more times so far—one with David McGlennen as the facilitator. Why do I keep participating? Because as my awareness grows—the teachings in this book take on a different meaning. I encourage anyone who is wanting to be more in their life to take part of a TAGR mastermind. "

Dr. Kimberly Hambrick
President, Kimberly Hambrick Consulting, LLC

6 Week Think and Grow Rich Masterclass

Don't just read the book. Apply the principles and learn with other like-minded, success-seeking people who all want to grow to become the best version of themselves.


50% Complete

Two Step

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