It's time for a reset.

Welcome to the Anxiety Audit.
After the year we’ve had, parents, caretakers, educators—all of us, really—need a bit of time and space to take stock of the impact of 2020.
And we need a way to move forward, to reboot our worn-out minds.

Start the Anxiety Audit now

Break the 7 bad habits of worry 

The Anxiety Audit looks at seven important patterns that commonly intrude on our thinking, our emotions, and our relationships. They are both common and powerful, but for some of you, they felt new and unfamiliar, and you can absolutely tie them to 2020.

For many of you, these patterns have been hanging around for years—even generations—and the stress and challenges of 2020 made them more noticeable or at times even untenable.

In each chapter of the Anxiety Audit, I describe one of the patterns and how it shows up. I talk about how to recognize it and INTERRUPT it. Robin, as always, asks your questions, clarifies my language, and makes sure that I am talking to YOU.

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